Thursday, 29 September 2016

Animating the Pod

I created a png sequence using the texture in which I'd created from the pods UV map. I animated it in After Effects and exported it as a sequence. I had a lot of trouble getting an animated texture to work in both Unity and Maya. I tried to apply an image sequence to a material in Maya but for some unknown reason I wasn't able to get it to work. I then spent hours looking at different tutorials and methods to get an animated material working in Unity. I ended up having to re-write a JavaScript I found online to get the material to cycle through different textures. This proved to be a massive challenge, but I can now get it to work properly in Unity, although I still have no idea how to get it to work in Maya due to some weird error.

I made the moving parts different objects to make animating easier, Using a blendshape on the cylinder to stop it from dropping through to the ground.

I also had some issues importing the asset into Unity with it's blend-shape. It worked fine when I had the cylinder dropping through the ground, but that's impractical to use in a platformer as it may drop through to the floor below. I fixed this by converting the animation into Legacy.

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