Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Snowboarding Research

The concept of learning to perform snowboard tricks is very similar to learning the animation principles. To begin with you learn each one step by step, only using one principle at a time; but with practice you combine all of the techniques together without even having to give the fundamentals a second thought; the result is a very smooth combination that blends the principles together seamlessly.

As you can see in the videos, a trick has several 'parts' to it (setup, take-off, air, landing & ride out), with each part having a series of movements you must perform in sequence in order to land the trick. As the rider gets more advanced they will begin stringing together all the different motions without even having to think about the basic movements.

How I want to go about creating my animation loop is exactly that, I want it to look like a well refined snowboarding trick. The viewer should be seeing the animated illustration as a whole, rather than seeing something that is broken down into steps. It would not be until they took a very close look at the animation that they were able to see the processes used to create the final loop.

This video shows all the different motions involved in performing one of the simplest snowboard tricks. To someone who doesn't know how to do the trick they might be unaware of the complexity of the movements, but to someone who has practised this trick countless times they might not even be aware of the movements they're making, as it comes without thought.
This video is an example of how more complex tricks include a combination of different techniques, the more difficult the trick is the more movements the rider must combine in sequence in order to land the trick successfully.

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